Love Poem For Him

    love poem

  • Poetry (from the Latin poeta, a poet) is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning.

love poem for him

love poem for him – 50 Classic

50 Classic Love Poems in Rhyming Verse [Illustrated] (Little e-Book Classics)
50 Classic Love Poems in Rhyming Verse [Illustrated] (Little e-Book Classics)
This is the second edition of a brilliant collection of love poems from among the best. It’s for romantics who appreciate the rhyming verse. There are color illustrations. The selection includes poems from John Donne, William Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Robert Burns, Ben Jonson and William Butler Yeats.

The poems are organized into seven categories:

Carpe Diem
Love’s Obstacles
Sonnets of Shakespeare
Love’s Aspirations
Declarations of Love
Love’s Secrets
Love’s Mystery

Whether it’s for a bright, cheerful day or a gloomy time, one of these poems is bound to touch your heart.

Robert Herrick
Thomas Moore
Edmund Waller
Robert Burns
Andrew Marvell
Walter Savage Landor
Richard Lovelace
Percy Bysshe Shelley
John Donne
William Shakespeare
John Clare
Ben Jonson
Christopher Marlowe
Heinrich Heine
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sara Teasdale
Lord Byron
Elizabeth Akers Allen
Paul Lawrence Dunbar
Anne Bradstreet
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
William Butler Yeats

Love Poem

Love Poem
Messing around with a love poem. For my wife Lynn

Love Poem

Love Poem
Messing around with a love poem.

love poem for him

When The Lilacs Last Bloomed I Mourn?d; And With Songs I Perfume  The Grave Of Him I Love: POEMS 1998-2008
Clara Maslow, now age 91, is author of a memoir, The Tapestry of Our Lives Torn With Fear, of her husband as victim of the McCarthy witch hunt of the early 1950?s, and its traumatic effect on their lives, the lives of their children, and granddaughter. This is her second book, a collection of poems to eulogize, to remember her love of sixty years; A remarkable man, a man unparalleled as a human being. These poems express spiritedly the pain of loss and longing, and the grief of life and love. A natural poet, a poet of nature. a poet who thinks with her poems her thoughts lie in the language of poetry. She speaks with strong visual images and stark metaphors. The poems express strongly. sensuously the pain of loss, the loneliness of existence and on to the story of love. Poems that often glide into prose with the passion and intensity that drives it in language that is uniformly solemn and tender. Grief plays a large part in this work with poems that speak softly, strongly and tenderly to the lover that has been taken away. ?There is an echo yet, I can hear it still of his soft voice, His caressing voice like a summer breezeLike the flight of moths in the moonlightLike the warmth of his breast at night Like the softness of his lips in the morningBut, who can say, there is only silence now Only the gentle breeze in the hollows echoing And the shiny memory of his stately person.? (Loving Bern) This is a tightly focused collection of poems of yearning, and grief, that penetrate the depth of human gaze, the only place that poetry can enter.